This is a place for good ideas; to find, to read, to buy. We want to share with you the very best; people and businesses doing good, products made with integrity. These ideas and products are original and fun, honest and reliable.

10 Reasons why Summer Camp was Perfect
Summer Camp is an opportunity for 100 guests to escape into nature. It is intimate and inspiring.
Within the idyllic Walled Garden of Hawarden Castle we spend our days in the company of world experts in outdoor craft and nature who give talks, lead expeditions and run workshops.
The evening are spent as one around the campfire.

Caroline’s Favourite Paint Colours
Our businesses: The Good Life Society, Glen Dye Cabins and Cottages and Hawarden Estate Experience, are known for their bold, bright colours. This is largely thanks to the colour connoisseur, Caroline Gladstone, who always knows precisely what paint to pick.
Here she names her favourites and where to buy them.
Hand-made in Great Britain.

Some great ideas we think you should see…
Made by experts in Great Britain.

Stories inspired by nature.
Our thoughts this winter, across our businesses, are focused on getting our guests and customers outdoors. I believe that winter is every bit as good as summer and that our relationship with the colder and darker months has become weirdly soured.
Autumn and winter last for about half the year, so we might as well try to make the best of them.
So here’s a short piece on my favourite kit -indoor and outdoor- for winter.
Roger Phillips is a mushroom maestro and one of the most respected foragers in Great Britain.
In 1975 he began his life’s major work, photographing an encyclopaedic collection of world plants and he has since written 20 additional volumes with combined sales of 4.5 million copies worldwide.
In 1989 Charlie & Caroline Gladstone, SGI co-founders, upped sticks in London and moved to Glen Dye, Kincardineshire to raise their family.
They would go on to quite literally write the book on The Great Outdoors, and have always championed and befriended those who carve a life out for themselves in the countryside.
With a great exodus now taking place in our cities, these are the stories of those who call the countryside their home.
We asked them to speak about their favourite month in the country.
Tree-watching is a very under-rated hobby.
We tend to pass trees by, acknowledging them as part of the landscape, and paying more attention to wildflowers or wildlife. But once you start to recognise trees and to really observe them, they are every bit as fascinating and rewarding.
Chickens. They’re everywhere. No, seriously!
As least twice a day I get up from my desk and head outside to wave my arms around in a fashion similar to tai-chi in attempt to usher chickens safely back into The Walled Garden.
Charlie is here to talk to us about what he sees as the personal benefits of walking and then standing still.
As a retired (for now) runner and an incredibly active (in mind and body) person, we’re excited to hear Charlie speak on these subjects.
