Penny Lee
Penny Lee, aka the Brand Directoress, is a woman of many powers and talents. She works with brands to help find their niche, transforming their presence both online and in real life, and works on everything from strategy to messaging.
Here, she tells us the things she knows for certain...
Photo by Jim Marsden
Please tell us what your role in the business is?
The Boss.
Where do you do most of your work?
Home in my soon-to-be swanky garden office.
How many people do you work with closely on a day-to-day basis?
I work with two mini support groups and one virtual assistant.
What is the biggest challenge that you face at work every day?
Prioritising and sticking to it. The aforementioned virtual assistant is helping me sort my diary and email...
Talk us through lunch. A sandwich at your desk or a full hour in the park?
Lunch is a Mindful Chef portion from the night before (a new recent life changer) and a Masterclass lesson for 30 minutes. Recently, I’ve done Amy Tan, Roxanne Gay, Hans Zimmerman and Tan France. Right now, I’m watching Daniel Pink.
What is the biggest lesson that you’ve learned that you wish you’d known when you started your career?
That you don't have to do everything and that it’s okay to not be good at everything.
Email. Friend or foe?
Friend... with boundaries.
Do you use a digital or paper To Do List? And how effective are you at getting everything done?
Both. I love making notes on my phone and I use paper for my daily to do list. It’s all being improved thanks to my VA… did I mention I have a VA?!
Do you leave work at a set time each day?
If I’m not on a deadline, I try to stick to 5pm. If I had a more gentle morning, I’ll flex that a bit. I'm learning..!
How do you relax? Do you look after yourself properly?
Dog walking, TV, pilates, and time with Mr G ❤️.️
How confident are you about the future of your business?
I feel very confident at the moment. This pandemic has given me focus time and it's clicking into place. A lot of hard work has been put in since we moved back to the UK, and it’s finally starting to pay off. I stuck at doing things differently for over 6 years and I have finally got my mojo back! Got a great supportive network. I'm excited and loving the work and clients that are happening. Boom!
What is your secret time-wasting technique at your desk?
Instagram. Always.
Do you listen to music as you work and if so, what has been playing today?
Don't judge, but 'Alexa, play relaxing classical music'. And away we go every day. It just gives me focus, gently in the background.