Christian Banfield
Christian Banfield is a Film Director & Photographer.
He describes himself as ‘an image maker and communicator’.
We have worked with Christian on a number of projects in Scotland and Wales and so sat down to chat him about some of things he’s learned after many years at the coal face.
Photo by Agenda Brown
Please tell us what your role in the business is?
I’m a Film Director & Photographer.
Where do you do most of your work?
I split my time roughly 60/40 between our studio and working on location in the UK and around the world.
How many people do you work with closely on a day-to-day basis?
It varies a lot. It’s four most days in the studio, ten or so in pre-production and up to forty on a shoot.
What is the biggest challenge that you face at work every day?
It’s trying to stay focused on one thing, when I am usually juggling loads of different things.
Talk us through lunch. A sandwich at your desk or a full hour in the park?
It’s never the same thing two days running. I often cook for the team at the office as it’s a great way to spend time together and always leads to creative conversation; it will be a quick pasta or soup and salad. Or it might be a lunch meeting in a restaurant or shoot catering or an in-flight meal and then sometimes it’s a Huel shake or bar.
What is the biggest lesson that you’ve learned that you wish you’d known when you started your career?
I wish I’d known to be clearer with myself about what I can and can’t do. And more importantly, to really love what I do and not try to please everyone.
Email. Friend or foe?
Definitely a sworn enemy. I usually pick up the phone to get stuff done much more quickly, with clarity and no misunderstandings. Otherwise, I use Slack with my team and some clients to manage projects more efficiently. #bringbackconversation
Do you use a digital or paper To Do List? And how effective are you at getting everything done?
Both. For immediate tasks and goals, I love my red Moleskines and a nice pen or two; it’s tactile, it’s visual and I get to cross stuff out! But I also use digital to-do-lists and notes for longer term projects, goals and lists.
Milanote and Pinterest are great for visual libraries.
I will say I am pretty good at getting stuff done. I have ADHD, so the boring stuff often gets put off, but it always gets done eventually as I’m incapable of crossing something off having not completed it.
Do you leave work at a set time each day?
Absolutely not, every day is different.
How do you relax? Do you look after yourself properly?
Yes, I am pretty good at taking care of myself now, I’m very much better than I was when I was younger! I do yoga and I meditate. I walk, listening to podcasts or audio books, I motorcycle, I cook and entertain for relaxation. And I watch a lot of movies; Mubi is amazing for more obscure but great stuff.
I have also done a lot of personal development workshops and now staff and facilitate them, mostly with a global organisation called Mankind Project. This keeps me grounded and connected and helps me grow.
How confident are you about the future of your business?
I feel confident. I have existed for twenty years on repeat business and word of mouth and I have a solid reputation as well as a long list of great testimonials on LinkedIn. My main client has mapped out projects from now until the end of the year and that will cover half my time.
We often over-deliver, so people come back and tell their friends and of course brands will always need imagery. We’re not the cheapest, but I know we produce great results, so that premium can be justified.
I moved to Bristol last year, where I now spend half of my time. My intention was to start a new business in travel, it was a ten-year-old side project that I had finally carved out time and space to do. Not surprisingly, that one is on hold.
What is your secret time-wasting technique at your desk?
Yeah, I love browsing good shit to buy on Bless This Stuff and Uncrate. Lately I’ve been looking at the Snow Peak site for the coolest camping kit. Not that I buy much, though I believe firmly in buy once buy well.
Do you listen to music as you work and if so, what has been playing today?
Yes I do. Nils Frahm, Trentmøller, David Holmes, Gregory Isaacs and Errol Garner.