In Praise of: Trees
Tree-watching is a very under-rated hobby.
We tend to pass trees by, acknowledging them as part of the landscape, and paying more attention to wildflowers or wildlife. But once you start to recognise trees and to really observe them, they are every bit as fascinating and rewarding.

Charlie Recommends… July 2021

In Praise of: Chickens
Chickens. They’re everywhere. No, seriously!
As least twice a day I get up from my desk and head outside to wave my arms around in a fashion similar to tai-chi in attempt to usher chickens safely back into The Walled Garden.

Good Sustainable Floral Ideas
Kathryn Cronin is a floral artisan, gardener and writer.
Her business, Fierceblooms, next to bridge 14 of the Shropshire Union canal, is rooted in florals that are as ethical as they are aesthetically beautiful.
What grows sustainably in the wild hedgerows and her Cheshire canalside cutting garden is her fierce inspiration.
She can be found often with her face close to the earth.
Lessons From A Journeyman
After a five year apprenticeship in antique restoration in The Lake District, Edward Carefoot embarked on his expedition as a Journeyman: to see if the Medieval tradition of practising your trade on the road -for food and lodgings- could still be done today.
Edward took two years to travel from Scotland to The Isles of Scilly, working for farmers and Royalty, fixing gates to restoring shipwrecked furniture.
After these two years away, Edward has now returned to Cumbria, with his dog Swift, and has opened a workshop where he designs and makes bespoke furniture.

100 Dog Breeds And Their Terrific Traits
It’s no secret the Good Life Society crew are obsessed with dogs. Truly loyal. Friends there in desperate times of need, wagging tail, expectant gazes of unconditional love. Debbie Kendall is on our level.
The printmaker and illustrator behind The Enlightened Hound, who from her attic studio, accompanied by her muse, a Portuguese Water Dog called Figo, makes prints and cards for people who love dogs.
She talks us through the idea behind her 100 Dog Breeds print series.

The Benefit Of Walking And Then Standing Still
Charlie is here to talk to us about what he sees as the personal benefits of walking and then standing still.
As a retired (for now) runner and an incredibly active (in mind and body) person, we’re excited to hear Charlie speak on these subjects.

Does Made In Britain Matter?
When we set out to create a new product for our small range, transparency is key. From the traceability of the fabric in our jackets to the wood in our pencils.
And also in terms of the true cost in British manufacturing.
Over a series of interviews with great manufacturers, growers and designers we hope to show you behind the curtain of British making so that you might make more informed decisions when you’re next at the checkout.

Stuff I Love: From Religion to Books to Places
We love those pages in magazines or newspapers where a special guest answers a series of set questions.
They can be intense, silly, personal, insightful… But they’re always a great read and a snappy means to get to know someone in a new light.
So, we’ve made our own!

In Praise of: The Leatherman Pocket Multi-Tool
Rachel, the estate manager at Glen Dye, says that we should all hail the small but mighty Leatherman, so we asked her to tell us why…

In Praise of: Pets
For many years (about nine, in fact) we ran a weekly feature titled Pedlars Dog of the Week.
Many of you will probably remember it. It was simple and lots of fun. And frequently it was our most viewed thing that week.
Now we want to open it up. Dogs are welcome, of course, but so are cats, horses, rabbits, hamsters, goldfish, rats, snakes, goats, budgies, hens and anything else that you can -legally- own as a pet.

Pesto or Pistou
Anyone who knows me well knows that I am a bit of a nerd about etymology and the origins and history of words and how their use and meaning gets changed and corrupted over the years and across continents.
Therein lies the root and inspiration behind this article.

Six Things To Do In Flintshire
When people ask me where I’m from, I tell them I’m from Flintshire. And yet, to my dismay, the response that I’m most often met with is, “where on earth is that?!”.

Charlie Recommends… May 2021
My cultural round up of the last month or two. Some books, records, podcasts and television that has kept me happy. From Hockney to Floating Points, axes to herbs…

My Mentor: A Collection of Personal Essays From People We Know, Love and Respect
Small business, people, friendship, kindness, even love; these are at the root of what we do at Some Good Ideas and My Mentor will investigate the complex relationships between mentors and their mentees.

My Top Independent Food Shops In Britain
I’m thrilled to present you with a list very close to my heart. Some, I’ve had the pleasure of visiting and relishing their beauty. Others, I’ve simply come across on Instagram and imagined myself there, amongst their four walls, adding delicious items to my basket.

My Life In 10 Really Good Objects: Part Two - Late Morning to Early Afternoon
In part two of this series, Charlie Gladstone (a self-proclaimed voracious consumer and enthusiast for things) talks us through the 10 things that make his day better, specifically, the bit around lunchtime.

Things I Know For Certain: Lessons From My Workplace
These are the notes and learnings of real people in great businesses. Some small, some large. We asked each person 13 simple questions. Their answers are honest, enlightening and encouraging.

My Life In 10 Really Good Objects: Part One - Morning
Charlie Gladstone is a voracious consumer, an enthusiast for things. He is someone who loves finding new stuff, who has a passion for wonderful design and a deep interest in provenance. He can’t help myself.

Asparagus: Why We Love It
Asparagus season is here! There’s so much that I love about these alien-like green spears that wind their way up through the soil when the sun shines. At Hawarden, their arrival is a true celebration of spring.