What I’m Looking Forward To At Camp Good Life

Words by Charlie Gladstone
Photo by Department Two
Photo by Department Two

These are the things I am looking forward to most at Camp Good Life, our new, much smaller event that happens from 17 to 19th September.

It sold out long ago and there will only be 1,000 guests so it’ll offer a great opportunity to get up close and personal with all of our performers.

Photo by Department Two
Photo by Department Two
  1. Professor Gavin Screaton, Head of Medical Sciences at Oxford University. I will be in conversation with Gavin on Saturday and I am really looking to talking to him about a particularly exciting, challenging and exhilarating year at the epicenter of the Covid vaccine race.

  2. Atsushi Hasegawa will DJ with French singles. I saw him play at our Summer Camp recently and it was mind bogglingly brilliant; truly one of the best DJ sets I have ever seen.

  3. Baxter Dury will be talking about his recent autobiography Chaise Longue. Like so many of my generation, Baxter’s dad Ian was a hero to me. And now Baxter has forged his own career as a musician and writer. We’re honoured.

  4. The launch of our Spry x The Good Life Society red jumpsuit. We first conceived this two years ago and then, well, you know what happened. It’s made in Britain and it’s super cool.

  5. Boy Azooga. I first heard of this superb artist in Rough Trade records in early 2018 when two friends were raving about their soon to be released album 1, 2, Kung Fu! Don’t miss this.

  6. Gwenno is one of the most original and exciting musicians of the last few years, having released albums in Cornish and Welsh. This is her second visit to the Good Life and if the last one is anything to go by, this will be a highlight.

  7. The Ethicurean is one of the most exciting and pioneering modern restaurants in Britain. This year with its chef/founders cooking for us. 

  8. Roger Phillips is possibly the world’s most knowledgeable and experienced forager and has sold -literally- millions of books. He’s a regular at our events and always absolutely delightful. Can’t wait!

  9. And I am looking forward to talking with Mark Shayler about my book Do Team. I love Mark and it’s always fun and challenging to join him in conversation.


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DO Team: How To Get The Best From Everyone

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