Rowan Berry Wine

By Natasha Lloyd
Some Good Ideas - Rowan Berry Wine Recipe.jpg

Natasha Lloyd is a Medical Herbalist and Forager, based in the heart of Cairngorm National Park in Scotland. Natasha has been teaching foraging and herbalism for over 15 years through guided walks, talks and workshops.

makes: 5 litres


4lbs of rowan berries stalks removed
3lbs of sugar
One packet of yeast, I like a sherry yeast for rowan berries
5 litres of lukewarm water


  1. In a clean and sterile bucket place the frozen berries, sugar, lukewarm water and yeast. Mix together and cover. Allow to ferment for 3 - 5 days, depending on the ambient temperature where the bucket is kept. Stir gently a few times every day.

  2. You should see bubbles forming which shows it is fermenting. After 3-5 days, strain out the berries. Use a sieve and transfer the liquid into a clean and sterile demijohn (a glass bottle used for fermented drinks).

  3. It takes about 15 to 20 months to fully mature. When at the desired flavour for you. Bottle the wine into clean and sterile bottles and cork.


As you don’t bring the rowan berries up to boiling temperature with this recipe, it important that you freeze the fruit first, before making your wine.

To get the best out of this rowan berry wine you should let it mature for 15-20 months. It's a long process but extremely rewarding.


Some original items for you to buy.



Good ideas on craft.


Rowan Berry Jelly


Pickled Rowan Berries